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Come From Away

Come from Away is a show that truely left me speechless. It was a show that needed time to be processed, a story that should be reflected upon, revisited and never forgotten. A true story of communication, of strength, of heartbreak communicated in an impactful and thought provoking way.


I felt so many emotions watching this performance. Those of sadness, frustration, anger and yet alongside those feelings also those of community, hopefulness and celebration. A beautiful tribute to an island that gave everything to help those in a terrifying moment of history.


The scenic design for this piece by Beowulf Boritt was simplistic, which I think was a brilliant choice as it allowed the story to speak for itself while still complimenting and elevating the performance. The band coming onto the stage and becoming a part of the ensemble really excited me as these brilliant musicians remain predominantly unseen within musical theatre so incorporating them into the piece was a great idea and the stage design worked really well to bring the cast and the musicians together allowing them to have this connection.

Overall I really enjoyed this musical as it had so much to offer, a touching, emotional tribute to humanity, brilliant and at times gut wrenching music, values of community that were really highlighted by the cast and the musicians and a set design that brings all the elements together into one. This is a musical that tells a story that needs to be told, does not shy away from pain and emotion, and leaves you thinking about it and the story it tells long after you leave the theatre. 

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