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Week one
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In our first SketchUp session we looked at a range of useful tools and how to use them by building a model of the Waverly theatre. We explored using the push/pull tool, how to make components, different camera lenses, and how to add dimensions. All of which allowed us to create this structure. Although I have worked on SketchUp before I have only explored a select few tools so it was really interesting to see more of the capabilities of this programme.




Skills Passport
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Week Two

In our second session we continued to explore the different tools, adding colour, chairs and curtains to our Waverly theatres using the paint tool, curve tools and continuing the use of tools such as the shape tools and push/pull tools. I really enjoyed being able to bring the theatre to life on SketchUp and learning how to add all of this detail as I had not used many of these tools before beginning these sessions.




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Week Three

Our third tutorial looked closely at creating shapes. We continued to use the curve tools and looked at creating a path that shapes could follow to create interesting, sculptural pieces. I enjoyed exploring these tools as my previous work on Sketchup has revolved around square buildings that had little artistic expression whereas these bring a  real element of shape, structure and form that I can now use within my work. We looked at using these shapes to create things such as fountains (seen in the far left picture) and lighting (seen in the image second to the right). By adding some colour and shadow this tringle quickly transformed into stage lighting.




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Week Four

In our last session we expanded on our skills learnt in the previous week, creating a more complex thrown. We explored how to create the piece using the tools we had used in previous sessions and then looked at scaling the model so that it could potentially be 3D printed.




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